Colors in the digital world are frequently expressed as a three digit hexadecimal number with each digits representing one of the colors Red, Green, and Blue. The original color given was #79b which means a red value of 7, a green value of 9, and a blue value of "b" which means 11. Since we just want a little more green, we can increase the 9 to 10, which is represented by the letter "a", giving us a new value of #7ab.</span>
Well there was a lot of music and singing. The plotline was the same as well. The main characters were in both the movie and musical, so not too much was different.
optical illusuon is awsome now i dont know what 2 paragraphs are im autistic so can you please tell me what that is thank you
Where are the answer choices post them and I will help
A whole step is two half steps put together. 2 half = whole EXAMPLE: If you want to go a whole step above C then you need to go to C# then end on D. D is a whole step above C. EXAMPLE: If you want to go a whole step below C then you need to go to B then end on Bb. Bb is a whole step below C.
I hope this helps, please consider giving me brainliest :)