Talk about your favourite band/singer or talk about a hobby that interests you. Speak for or against the motion, 'The death penalty should be reinstated. You could discuss cruelty to animals in travelling circuses. You could discuss a particular culture or country that interests you.
Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, and the famous character of Frankenstein's monster, have influenced popular culture for at least a century. The work has inspired numerous films, television programs, video games and derivative works. The character of the monster remains one of the most recognized icons in horror fiction.
1. She should capitalize "two" because it is an adjective.
The above is the change that would be correct. In capitalization of titles, it is important to note that the first and last words of the title should be capitalized. Also, all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs should be capitalized. Articles (a, an, the), prepositions and coordinating conjunctions should be lowercased.
When "two" is used to modify a noun/noun phrases or pronouns, they act as adjectives. The "two" should be capitalized because it is an adjective, modifying the noun "Paths".