The groomer had to get 3 big red ribbons out of the dog's matted fur
The author makes sudden actions of Bella that would create surprise and also be at suspense for the reader at the same time. The way people call Bella in a letter surprises her because it makes her special to someone. “I bend to retrieve it, surprised to see “My Bella” scrawled ornately across the front.” The author foreshadows to create a flashback of what happened earlier in the short story.
When the author states in the story “I look past him, but Abuela gasps and exclaims, “Alejandro, after all these years!” the author creates surprise and a feeling of the story's climax. When the author uses foreshadowing he makes the main character show emotion and express herself throughout the short story. Small actions like when Bella recognized who is writing to, make her think or foreshadow the past and then she gets surprised as she notices who is likely writing to her.
1. A. Faith shows people what is right.
2. C. "The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live." (Paragraph 17)
The given passage is part of the story of the children of Israel in Egypt. This passage reveals their ordeal in the hands of Pharoah, king of Egypt. He mandated the midwives to kill the children of the Hebrew women that are males. But the passage clearly staated the midwives feared God and didn't obey.
This is faith in action. The fear of God they had depicted that they had faith in God and that led them to do what is right. They rejected and refused to carry out the king's devilish commandments because they had faith in God as a result of their fear in God. Faith in God makes us to do what is right.