Answer: To guarantee personal liberties, such as freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom from standing armies, trial by jury, and habeas corpus.
Answer: Believed it went against law of nature
Voltaire argued that religious intolerance was against the law of nature and was worse than the “right of the tiger” (1763) Towards the end of his long life Voltaire took the courageous stand of defending a Protestant family against religious intolerance and legal persecution.
"A laissez-faire economy gives businesses more space and autonomy from government rules and regulations that would make business activities harder and more difficult to proceed. Such an environment makes it more viable for companies to take risks and invest in the economy."
It is history abraham lincon
The Roman census divided citizens into six complex classes based on property holdings. The richest class was called the senatorial class, with wealth based on ownership of large agricultural estates, since members of the highest social classes did not traditionally engage in commercial activity.