Lean means to actually rest your physical wait against something, yet in this sentence it means to depend on someone. If this doesn't make sense listen to to song lean on me and you will understand.
The correct answer is the last option - “Most people,” I told him, “believe anything they hear on television or see on the Web.”
First of all, there has to be a comma after people. That comma is followed by quotation marks. Then you have the rest of the sentence (I told him), followed by another comma (before another quotation marks.) And finally, there has to be a period within the quote, before the final quotation marks.
Jim said he reckoned the widow was partly right and pap was partly right; so the best way would be for us to pick out two or three things from the list and say we wouldn't borrow them any more—then he reckoned it wouldn't be no harm to borrow the others. ion:
C. They know about the future things normal people