2. B. colony
3. D. polis
4. C. agora
5. D. islands
<span>England was not in competition for Korea in the 1870s</span>
The power of dicktatoship and freedom .
pls forgive if mistakes..me english no good..me bad
The official British reply to the colonial case on representation was that the colonies were “virtually” represented in Parliament in the same sense that the large voteless majority of the British public was represented by those who did vote. To this Otis snorted that, if the majority of the British people did not have the vote, they ought to have it. The idea of colonial members of Parliament, several times suggested, was never a likely solution because of problems of time and distance and because, from the colonists’ point of view, colonial members would not have adequate influence.
Most colonies lacked human labor, therefore, they used slaves to work on plantations in the new found colonies.