Infinitivo: Dormir, hacer
Que yo: Arregle
Que tu: Duermas
Que nosotros Arreglemos, hagamos
Que ellas: Hagan
Because Velázquez had connections through his father in-law. He earned the chance to paint a portrait of the powerful Count-Duke of Olivares. The countduke told King Philip IV about Velázquez . When the king saw the completed portrait he decided that no one else would paint him and appointed Velázquez one of his court painters.
They are called <u>bodegón.</u>
<em>Bodegón </em>in Spanish refers to painting that represents still life and mostly food or people with food (fruits, vegetables, bread, drinks, etc.)
It became a painting style in 17th century. In catholic countries (Spain) painting food and still life had a religious connotation because it remembers us that earthly life and all its wealth is temporary. Some of the most famous Spanish artists that painte ¡d <em>bodegón</em> are: Zurbarán, Goya, Velázquez, etc.