The choice of a frozen landscape has two important interpretations:
- It is meant as a symbolic representation of the feelings of loneliness of the monster the doctor creates, and perhaps the doctor's aswell. The monster feels alienated and longs for love, but all he knows is cold rejection. His life is limited by strong boundaries (like ice) that he can only avoid.
- It is a symbol of the consequences of the pursuit of knowledge. The path of knowledge can also be associated with the North Pole landscape, since the extreme conditions resemble the doctor's extreme, life threatening- sientific curiosity. In the book the doctor is lost, his life may be in danger and he is alone, deprived from the warmth of company. The extreme conditions of the North Pole could mirror these feelings/experiences.
Because your saying something else and asking something else
Maybe adding more details to your story? Or talk more about the phrase itself.
Adding more details based on how you felt, and longing the consequences could be beneficial here. Besides that, possibly adding another story? If you don't have one, then think about a famous story that deepens within your paper. Also, maybe make another paragraph or two to talk about the meaning of the phrase. That's my biggest idea for you, good luck! (sorry if this wasn't very helpful, I'm a seventh grader.)
(here's an example, this is just how I pictured it. feel free to use it:D)
"The phrase itself is very important; when used, it is most likely in the persons best interest that the other person in the conversation stays safe. For example, you would want your friend to stay safe if they were participating in dangerous activities without proper equipment. Risks aren't always the best solution, and that is what the phrase is creating awareness for."
Thought its all the feel and thought and fear of falling down the fear center of our brain cautioning us there protential danger near by