The Judicial branch
Judicial Branch Powers: The Legal branch can proclaim demonstrations of the President illegally, which eliminates them from the law. The Judicial branch can likewise pronounce laws passed by Congress to be illegal in entire or to some extent.
A. is the best bet to count on
Most of his films expressed a vision of society, and of politics, that resonated clearly with the concerns of millions of Americans as they struggled through the years of the Great Depression.
He was killed while trying to organize poor workers
Arachne was so vain and prideful that she believed she was a better spinner and weaver than the goddess Athena. Because of Arachne's vanity and boastfulness, Athena challenged Arachne to a spinning and weaving contest. Arachne lost, and Athena turned her into a spider to ensure that Arachne would never again spin or touch a loom. Through Athena's harsh lesson, this myth demonstrates the dangers and consequences of Arachne's pride and vanity.