the part of a ship providing accommodations for passengers with the cheapest tickets.
The solution reached by the Great Compromise was that:
1) The number of representatives from a state in the House of Representatives would be based on a states population.
2) Each state would have two Senators regardless of the states population.
Both elements of this agreement deal with the structure of Congress. Congress consists of the legislative branch of our federal government and plays an important role, as their main job is to develop laws for the entire country to follow. In this case, both states with small populations and large populations feel satisfied with the structure of Congress after the Great Compromise was passed.
you would hope that people as individulas could recognize the importance of a government that is fair and representative in all aspects unlike a facist dictatorship. facist governments often supress the rights of the people and the constitution is a political spear head that was created to help prevent facism in the united states, although as times have changed so have peoples perspective on things which has made it easier for people to simply subscribe to what ie easiest and not what is right.
During this period we experienced massive population growth due to the improvement of medicine. With this newfound technology more jobs were created and industrialization became the norm. New sources of entertainment became available. A whole lot of things happened but these are some of the most notable.
Over population is caused many people moving there for business and not enough leaving and or space or job shortage it leads to crowding and shortages