Are you wondering which president it was? It was John Adams in 1798.
The north and the south differed in a couple of ways in the mid 1800's, economically and socially which contributed to a rise of regional populations with contrasting values, ideologies and visions for the future. The differences includes; vast industry and immigration in the north, established agriculture in the south and slave trade carried out in the south.
The political structures of Chavín society are not clear, but the construction of the temple and the limited access to knowledge of symbols both imply that a hierarchy based on religious or spiritual beliefs existed.
Outraged, free-soilers formed a separate government. Then they armed for a fight, importing dozens of Sharps rifles from New England in boxes marked "books." The fight came soon enough. On May 21, 1856, a proslavery federal marshal assembled a posse of about 800, which stormed the free-soil town of Lawrence.
I hope this help you!