There is only one sentence among these that contains a dependent clause, and that is the third option - Although the rain poured down, the Eagles and Panthers continued their soccer game.
The remaining sentences are all simple, meaning they contain only one independent clause (except for sentence 2, which is compound, meaning it has 2 independent clauses).
Huh... this seems to be an opinion question.
No matter, ill try.
It depends on the figure you look at. Partns would be B. governments? Could be all of them. I see how you got confused. Unles this is an opinion question, you may have to guess.
he left her should be the correct answer.
Animals have limited sight when it comes to color so for a tiger it wouldn’t matter if their bright orange because it would still be hard for their pray to distinguish between the gray of the tiger and the gray of the grass. For humans we can see all the colors so we have to make our camo compatible with many different environments.
This differs from what an animal may require as some species spend their entire lives in a very small region of the environment some Blendon so well that their environment that they become almost in distinguishable from plants or in organic nonliving features of that ecosystem while the camouflage animals employee must also be very effective their lives depend on it in a way that is different from how a soldier depends on their