c no lie guys
And of all princes, it is impossible for the new prince to avoid the imputation of cruelty, owing to new states being full of dangers. Hence Virgil, through the mouth of Dido, excuses the inhumanity of her reign owing to its being new, saying:
One would be a. two would be C
I think letter <u>C</u><u> </u>
Hope it helps
(correct me if I'm wrong)
MADAM POTIPHAR. (ironically) Send for Joseph? It would be useless. Joseph has affairs of his own on hand, always.
The chaste adventures of Joseph is a comedy written by Floyd Dell. Madam POTIPHAR's motive of wanting her husband to replace Joseph is best captured during the dialogue between a lady, madam POTIPHAR and Asenath. As the lady looks to a quiet room and asks madam POTIPHAR if it was her husband's study only to be told that it was the room of a slave. Asenath was surprised and she uttered that he must be educated. During their walk, madam POTIPHAR lamented Joseph is never on hand when needed when Asenath told madam POTIPHAR to send for him so he could show them through the vineyard. Telling her that it would be useless as he always has affairs of his own on hand.