I believe the answer is:"A picture!" said the old gentleman with the haunted head. "A picture!" cried the narrator with the waggish nose. "A picture! a picture!" echoed several voices.
In literature, playful tone refers to a tone voiced by the character which is fun, full of high spirit, intended to be funny, or good-natured. This usually used in a low-stake situation within the intermezzo that is not really important to the flow of the plot.
Sabes que no se lo que dices
In the novel Frankenstein, what the creature's connection to nature suggests about him is that he is connected to Victor and has human feelings. Although he was created from the dead, he still has some human feelings remaining, such as love, and loneliness, and hatred, and fear, etc
He likes candy chicken omg you don’t know
As Morrie's body deteriorates, so does the condition of the hibiscus plant. The plant's pink petals wither and fall as Morrie grows increasingly dependent on his aides and on oxygen. As his death approaches, so does the death of the plant. It is continually used as a metaphor for Morrie's life and for life itself.