C. Pete Seeger didn't actually try to attempt to cut it but he said if he had an axe he would've cut the cables
It should be chronological: US Civil War: 1861-1865, Reconstruction: 1865-1877, Progressive Era: 1890-1920s
protects u from the other persons saliva, because the coronavirus isnt airborne you got to come in contact with it.
A mask doesnt protect your eyes and spit can hit your eyes, so you should be wearing a face shield with your mask
2) The Maginot Line didn’t extend to The Benelux, The Germans simply went around Maginot.
Mechanized agriculture is the form of agriculture which makes use of machines to produce the output which has resulted in the increase of the productivity of the farm.
But it has certain disadvantages also like it replaces work of labor and degrades the environment by causing pollution of the land, and also leads to soil erosion which causes reduction in nutrients of soil and uprooting of trees is also done to bring more land under the farming to increase the output.