Even in good times wages were low, hours long and working conditions hazardous. Little of the wealth which the growth of the nation had generated went to its workers.
The life of a 19th-century American industrial worker was far from easy.
Answer: can i answer in like 2 mins or do i need to answer it now? if you want i can go look for the answer and come back when i find it\
The Immigration Act of 1924 produced highly discriminatory results because it set a max on how many immigrants could come to the US depending on what country they came from.
For example, there were many more opportunities for citizens from countries like Germany, Great Britain, and Sweden in comparison to individuals from Italy or Russia. Here are some numbers to support this claim:
Germany's Quota (aka amount that could come into US)- 51,227
Great Britain and Northern Ireland's Quota- 34,0007
Sweden's Quota- 9,561
Italy's Quota- 3,845
Russia's Quota-2, 248.
Answer: Barb wants to divide the days in a year by a number.
The scenario that could be represented by the algebraic expression 365/y is "Barb wants to divide the days in a year by a number.
For example let's say he want to divide the number of days in a year by 5. This will be:
= 365/y
= 365/5
= 73