The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict
The Battle of Fort Sumter<span> was the first </span>battle<span> of the American Civil </span>War<span>. The intense Confederate artillery bombardment of Major Robert Anderson's small Union garrison in the unfinished </span>fort<span> in the harbor at Charleston, South Carolina, had been preceded by months of siege-like conditions.</span>
Why shouldn't we judge historical figures by the standards of our time?
Many of the vices we might rightfully judge a historical society or individual for are largely universal across culture and society.
We should judge them accordingly and learn from their mistakes, but we should also judge them by the degree to which that person or culture rejected those common vices and built something better. This is something quite rare and it’s far more useful as a learning tool for us to focus on this.
For example, the Greeks and Romans practiced slaveryBut so did every other ancient society. What is unique and admirable about the Greeks and Romans is the degree to which they did respect indvidual rights, seriously questioned slavery as an institution, and developed a secular, pro reason culture
if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest
On June 13th, the leaders of the colonial forces learned that the British were planning to send troops into Charlestown. In response, 1,200 colonial troops under the command of Col. William Prescott quickly occupied Bunker Hill on the north end of the peninsula and Breed's Hill closer to Boston. By the morning of the 16th, they had constructed a strong redoubt on Breed's Hill and other entrenchments across the peninsula. The next day, the British army under General William Howe, supported by Royal Navy warships, attacked the colonial defenses. The British troops moved up Breeds Hill in perfect battle formations. One of the commanders of the improvised garrison, William Prescott, allegedly encouraged his men to “not fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” Two assaults on the colonial positions were repulsed with significant British casualties; the third and final attack carried the position after the defenders ran out of ammunition. The colonists retreated to Cambridge over Bunker Hill, leaving the British in control of Charlestown but still besieged in Boston. The battle was a tactical victory for the British, but it proved to be a sobering experience, involving more than twice the casualties than the Americans had incurred, including many officers. The battle demonstrated that inexperienced Continental militia could stand up to regular British army troops in battle.
The natives had a belief in the Creator or Master Spirit, it's believed the spirit made the universe. He provided them with animals to hunt, nature to give them shelter and water to drink from.