While being American does gauratee to an extent certain priviledges, you can't be assured success in a world with laziness and poverty. One does not know who they are going to be birthed from. It could be a wealthy person, or it could be the exact opposite. Now, one who starts off in a poor family can still end sucsessfull, it's all in the amount of effort you put into life. One who grew up wealthy could end up in the streets. Maybe it's not even that they end up poor but perhaps lonely and tired or maybe they become lazy and simply unwilling to do things. You see, success isn't about where you are from, it's about your attitude towards life, your goals. Whereas one may think something like money or "being American" may garatee your success, success isn't always about your career. You can't be successful with a fallen marriage and broken relationsip with your children. Success comes from inside.
An average person is an individual who live to achieve or amount to an average rate or amount (of anything he/she does) over a period of time (death).
B because the ppl r only listening to radio and it says they fine but they get deported to some where else and mouche goes silent the only reason he didn't die cause he was shot in the leg and played dead then hobbled back to the ppl and no one listened all that for nothing huh