Prediction can be made about the near future is that the population will increase rapidly.
The world population has grown significantly over the past century, from just 7.6 billion in 2017 to an estimated 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100 (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
During the Industrial Revolution, the Western world's population began to grow rapidly. The largest increase in world population has occurred since the 1950s, largely due to medical advances and increased agricultural productivity.
Learn more about the population here:
Answer: False
Explanation: A subduction complex is a region of the Earth where one tectonic plate dives beneath another into the interior of the Earth. A subduction complex does not occur as a result of scraped CONTINENTAL CRUST from the top of a SUBDUCTING PLATE instead it occurs as a result of TECTONIC PLATES diving beneath another into the earth surface.
Appalachian Mountain Range
The Appalachian Mountain Range runs through most of the Eastern United States, and had previously served as the border for the 13 colonies back in the colonial age.
Early in the 20th century, Alfred Wegener, primarily, established the continental drift theory. According to Wegener, continents are mobile on the surface of the Earth and were previously connected to form a single supercontinent. Scientists did not think that the continents could migrate when Wegener was alive.
In rocks that are the same age but on continents that are currently far apart, ancient fossils of the same species of extinct plants and animals can be found. Wegener claimed that the species had coexisted, but that once they died and become petrified, the lands had separated. According to his theory, the creatures couldn't have crossed the seas.
1. Glossopteris seed fern fossils were too heavy for the wind to carry them that far.
2. Mesosaurus was a reptile that could swim, although it could only do it in freshwater.
3. The terrestrial reptiles Cynognathus and Lystrosaurus were incapable of swimming.
Learn more about continental drift theory here:
Ultramafic,as components of mafic rocks like olivine and pyroxene solidified at very high temperatures, so mafic minerals will decompose as the result of chemical weathering more rapidly than felsic minerals