this is a reality that you have to make peace with. No matter what you want to accomplish in life, you will face trials and obstacles and your fair trolls. When you decide that you are going to make a change in your life and chase those dreams you’ve quietly harbored for years you are going to face conflict. The difference between those that are successful in their endeavors and those that are not is simple (not easy, simple). The successful embrace their purpose, their identity, and move forward. Those that are not successful question themselves, worry about what others think of them, and find excuses to keep them from accomplishing their goals.
hope this helps
I woke up to the sound of a loud banging on my door. Weary from last night's party, I scrambled to find my glasses. The loud banging almost hurt my ears. I quickly opened the door, not knowing who or what was behind it. As I carefully pulled the door, a woman in black dress and a black veil stood before my eyes. She didn't say a word. I stood there frozen. I wanted to run, but I couldn't. Then, the woman lifted her veil and started screaming "What did you do to me?" Now, I realized, her face was covered with blood. I pushed her away and run as fast as I could. To my surprise, I fell down the stairs and I opened my eyes. I was back in my room, sweating with all my might. Thank God, it was all a dream!