Because it was cheaper for his business it is 30pc lower there.
The point in the sky directly above your head at any given time is called the. zenith. The celestial sphere turns once around each day because. the celestial sphere does not move, is the earth that turns around once each day. The south celestial pole and the north celestial pole lie in the sky directly above the.
D. Fissure
On the image, we have a fissure. The fissure is a linear volcanic vent through which there are eruptions occurring. The fissures are connected with the volcano, but they can be tens of kilometers away from the volcano, or even more. This makes them very dangerous, as they can occur pretty much everywhere around the volcano, suddenly erupting from bellow the ground, making explosions, cracking the ground, and causing fires.
Because circumpolar constellations never rise or set, they provide reliable reference points for astronavigation. Knowing the circumpolar constellations in each hemisphere allows navigators to find their way using only the stars.
There are a number of different types of Australian immigration, classed under different categories of visa: Skilled Occupation visas - Australian working visas are most commonly granted to highly skilled workers.
hope i could help, mark me brainliest if you can!