Describe the Division of the protein and the nature of nature.
The process of the formation of Urine starts when the blood enters the kidney and is filtered by the nephrons to separate the water from the larger elements that compound it like blood cells and proteins. Then, they go to the blood, and the elements that passed the filtration membrane go to the renal tubule to be moved to the bladder or be reabsorbed in case they are necessary for the body.
The Urine creation process starts with the blood entering the nephron in the kidneys. Then it is filtrated blocking blood cells and large proteins, making only water and smaller elements pass the filtration membrane. Then, cells and proteins, as well as the elements that couldn't pass the filtration membrane, go back to the bloodstream. While the elements that passed the filtration membrane go to the nephron to enter the renal tubule. In this tube some of the components that can still be used by the body are reabsorbed, the rest continues its journey to the bladder.
The correct answer is myofibrils
The fundamental part of the muscle cytoskeleton is made up of myofibrils that are the contractile elements of skeletal muscle cells.Muscle fibers are made up of myofibrils, membranes, and cytoskeletal networks that anchor contractile fibrils to the sarcolemma. Myofibrils are composed of repeating contractile units known as sarcomeres and are perhaps the most ordered macromolecular structures in eukaryotic cells. Myofibrils are made up of actin and myosin filaments that are large polymerized protein molecules responsible for actual muscle contraction.