Industrialization is a transformation away from an agricultural- or resource-based economy, toward an economy based on mass manufacturing. Industrialization is usually associated with increases in total income and living standards in a society.
What was that "wrong idea"? What is the impact of the nuance of the word "handled" in the following excerpt: "I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if I were sound by some of the crew"? It shows the Africans were viewed as objects instead of human beings.
"ParisBerlinHolyRomanEmpirewwMoldaviaFranceSWViennaAustrianEmpireHungaryVeniceWalachiaPapalStatesSerbiaPortugalMadridCorsicaLisbonSpainRomeMonte"... is too long a word. Try using a shorter word.
Cultural beliefs have an important role in encouraging child labor. In developing countries, people believe that work has a constructive effect on character building and increases skill development.