you should start it with an opinion. for example : Romeo and Juliet was the most tragic love story in history. (or if you disagree) Romeo and Juliet was the most simpleminded story ever! after that you should use some evidents to back up your claim. basic reasons why you think what you think. I hope i helped <3 (writing is sumthin dats simple for me lemme kno if u need anymore help)
i have never read that book so i dont know
no people didn't have the first computers at home because it was very expensive and it can be adorable
what does it mean.
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Keep in mind that inciting is to persuade, pressure or to make a person him/her act or participate in a certain violent or unlawful situation he/she might not want to be in. So knowing this which of the following situations presented above might cause chaos or make someone participate in a violent or terrible situation which consequences would be horrible or might become horrible? Think carefully. Don't think I'm referring to C.