The new deals included new constraint and safeguards on the banking industry and efforts to re-inflate the economy after prices had fallen sharply.
Your answer is D: The European pop. nearly doubled, the Native American pop. dropped greatly, and millions of Africans were sent to the Americas as slaves...
The right answers are:
Lenin and Trotsky.
Vladimir Ilich Lenin was the main Bolshevik leader and Leon Trotsky was another major activist. Both were instrumental in the Bolshevik Party´s quest for power and opposition to the "bourgeois" government of moderate socialist Aleksandr Kerensky that ruled Russia for a few months after the fall of the last Tsar. His government was brought down by the successful Bolshevik revolt in St. Petersburg on November 7, 1917 (October in Russian old style).
Systems of single member and proportional representation are very different. Single member representation, as in the United States, works by carving every state in the country into individual districts based upon population density. In the United States, the number of one-half of a million people is the rough number of citizens in each district. As states lose population for any reason, such as a major decline in job opportunities to other states, they lose voting districts. The number of districts and, consequently, the number of elected officials in the House of Representatives (under the U.S. Constitution, each state has two senators) representing each state is determined on the basis of the national census taken every ten years. Populations shifts, therefore, determine which regions gain and which regions lose representation.