Francis is dominant and aggressive. He sees the world as a place where he can manipulate things when he wants. When he doesn't get what he wants, he gets angry that he can't have his way. Hedoesn't like being told no and on top of that, he doesn't know how to take no for an answer because he is spoiled.
Scout on the other hand sees the world as a big place and she isn't racist in fact, I feel that Aticuss protects her and it leads her to not be biased or predjudice. She sees no difference and isn't as educated about the world as Francis. She gets the opportunity to see the good side in people that no one else wanted to give them the chance to see.
For A) to be correct, it should be "The deli Worker gave him and her free slice of ham. For B) to be correct, it should be Eric told them about his Journey. For D) is also wrong! With that being said, C has the correct object pronouns.
Free verse poetry does not have any set of rules.
Unfortunately, we all knew about Steve Jobs disease in 2011. However, knowing this fact, his words and the whole life meaning of one of the biggest's world brains, had extra significance for all people.
Besides, the fact that Jobs lost his personal battle against cancer with true stoicism and real determination makes him human, shows the vulnerability of someone extremely talented. Steve Jobs's biggest talent, and the impact, was his unlimited hope to life and the endeless progression of human knowlegde embodied by him.
similarity: they both lost someone they cared for
difference: burger didn't actually do anything wrong; prior technically did