<span>Sprang means to move or jump, rapidly upward and forward (verb)
Strand means land, mostly a beach, boarding a body of water. (Noun)</span>
I believe the answer is C
C. He is excited and nervous, but doesn't want Natalya to know it.
In this farce - <em>The Proposal</em> by Anton Chekhov we have Lomov and Natalya as main characters, besides her father. Lomov is a kind of man who has a problem with coming to the point when talking thus making a lot of digresses. Since this is a sensitive matter for him, he expresses anxiety and nervousness first while talking to Chubukov, Natalya`s father, then while talking to Natalya. So he just goes around expending the talking by, as seen in this excerpt, guessing her reaction to the still unknown matter of marital proposal. Then he comments the weather while trying to show himself as relaxed, though he is not even close to that.
Some of the resources in the clinical area I work include
Syringes, centrifuge, test strips, autoclave, PCR(polymerase chain reaction) equipment
Explanation: There are several ways through which this equipment as highlighted are maintained and monitored some of which includes
I. Calibration: This is a procedure adopted by organisations in order to ensure that the equipment made use of in their operations five accurate results and it will also help to eliminate errors.
II. Disinfection: This is a procedure adopted by clinicians and organisations with the aim of removing or eliminating all forms of infectious agents in clinical equipment in order to make them safe for use.
III. Cleaning and drying of surfaces: This is another method of maintaining clinical equipments as it will help to prevent rusting and contamination.
IV. The use of SOPs(Standard operating procedures): This is a system that has been adopted by many organisations to ensure that all equipment are operated following best standards as described by the manufacturer and to prevent breakdowns.
The following are ways to monitor their use
I. Hourly checking through the use of checklist: The use of checklist will help to ensure effective monitoring with the aim of identifying possible faults and act to prevent breakdowns.
II. Documenting the duration of use: This is one of the very best way to effectively monitor the use of this equipment as it will help to ensure effective useage and prevent unnecessary breakdowns.
B. There is no stance taken nor structure of the paper outlined for the reader.