it would be "Yo quiero el ceviche" lol i asked my mom!!
C-XPO is an android who can speak English. he is a very smart android and speaks a lot of languages. However, there is a problem: C-XPO does not speak spanish.
C-XPO goes to a spanish class. He sits. The professor enters the classroom and sees a new student. he tells him " stand up" C-XPO stands up and walks to the front of the classroom. He says in English "I am C-XPO" The professor yells "don't speak English" Then he continues: "In this class we speak spanish, my name Is Alfonso. and you, what is you name" I am
C-XPO says: my name is... The professor says" yes" C-XPO continues, "C-XPO" the professor says "yes! XPO!" class this is XPO. C-XPO says "C-XPO" the professor says "yes! XPO" C-XPO is angry and yells "no! C-XPO" The professor is not angry. he is excited.
He tells him, "yes! XPO! Excellent Sit down
Frustrated, C-XPO walked to his desk and sat down.
Yo estoy enferma hoy.
Yo tengo dolor de cabeza y tengo la garganta roja.
Tengo que ir a la consulta del médico.
Mi madre está muy nerviosa porque yo estoy muy enferma.
En la consulta, yo le explico mis síntomas al médico.
El médico me explica que no es nada serio. Pero, necesito guardar calma.
Estoy muy contenta porque no tengo que tomar medicina. A mí no me gusta tomar pastillas.
Dentro de poco yo voy a estar bien.