Shanthi Pura, Sri Lanka.
Shanthi Pura in Sri Lanka is the region which is located at 8°N, 81°E. This longitude and latitude readings provides information about the exact location on the earth surface. At 8°North, 81°East on the map of world, Sri Lanka is located which is a small Island in the South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean southwest direction of the Bay of Bengal and southeast direction of the Arabian Sea.
Answer:globe. Determine if Greenland is larger than Africa. topographical map. Plan a cross-country ski trip. RADAR. Find a safe place to land a plane on a foggy day.
The tool that would be most useful to him would be a seismometer. It is an<span> instrument that measure motion of the ground, including those of seismic waves generated by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day. </span>
d. meander scar
Meander scar is the name given to a stream that flows from a floodplain of a larger river. As it flows, it is possible to see this stream swaying tirelessly in all directions giving rise to a series of sinuous and regular curves, creating a watercourse. The meander scar can also originate from a floodplain that changes its channel within a valley.