Why quit our own to Stand upon Foreign ground? It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent Alliances with any portion of the foreign world.....'
-George Washington
"The... shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States."
Answer: D. All of the above.
The world is getting smaller and people from different cultures are now interacting a lot more. These interactions have led to some changes in the way these cultures do things sometimes and this process is called Culture Blending.
All of the above are examples as they show the influence that a people had on another people. The Chinese and their tea and porcelain vases became very popular in Europe which means that Europeans indulged in Chinese culture.
And the end of the Japanese Samurai era when they saw Western equipment was also an example of culture blending as one group (Japan) was affected by another group (Europeans).
The Catholic church in Italy was controlled by the medieval popes, and the bishops were often worldly figures to nobles. The controversy of lay investiture was initiated by a decree from Pope Gregory VII in 1075, ended in an 1122 compromise called the Concordat of Worms. Pope Innocent III, in the 1200s, used tools such as spiritual to bring the church to the height of its political power.
The US constitution differs from the Articles of Confederation because of the power that the federal government has. In the articles, each state acted as it's own country. They had the ability to command a military, declare war, and tax terrifs against other states. The constitution has the states act as subordinates to the federal government. They have the right to tax citizens, but their power and their ability to interact with other countries are strictly regulated through the federal government.