they should know where there going because their commander is the one in charge
There were many focuses of the Regean Administration. First to see an end to the Cold War. Referencing the end of Communisim and tearing down the Berlin Wall. Secondly, a budding new approach to managing our economy called "Regeanomics" This is supply sided economics.
C. No, members have to wait until the next session of Congress, after the next election, for the raise in pay.
The 27th Amendment requires that any increases or decreases in the salary that are paid to the members of Congress do not take effect until the next term for the US representatives begins. This means that Congress is not able to raise the payment for themselves.
It provided the first written constitution and was the first form of representative government in the colonies
It was the proclamation that forbade colonial settlements west of the Appalachian mountains. It put a stress on the relations between Britain and the Colonies because they believed that they had a right to continue to spread and take more land. This caused a good bit of problem between them.