I haven't been to high school or college yet... however I can relate to some of the information that you have provided I think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. God made you to be the person you are for a reason. He wants you to teach or help other people how to be a leader and not become a follower that makes bad decisions. I think that you would make a great study partner for your peers.
Jargons are special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
An example is AWOL which is short for "absent without leave," AWOL is military jargon used to describe a person whose whereabouts are unknown.
Therefore jargon is correct.
It's a word to use when you are not sure of something and have to "guess or surmise."
hope it helps
The right answer will be the B option. LESSER THAN MACBETH AND GREATER. Because this quotation is a paradox.
A map scale is used to show distance.