She was afraid that he wouldnt like it.
Zone 9 I think if I’m not mistaken
This is easily the most argued question about the fall of Rome. The Roman Empire lasted over a thousand years and represented a sophisticated and adaptive civilization. Some historians maintain that it was the split into an eastern and western empire governed by separate emperors caused Rome to fall.
Most classicists believe that a combination of factors including Christianity, decadence, the metal lead in the water supply, monetary trouble, and military problems caused the Fall of Rome.3 Imperial incompetence and chance could be added to the list. And still, others question the assumption behind the question and maintain that the Roman empire didn't fall so much as adapt to changing circumstances.
Potatoes need sun, water and soil
The correct answer is - A famine in Ireland prompts US response.
With the Irish famine of the 19th century, and the response to it by the United States, we have a very nice example of domestic influence on foreign policy.
Namely, the Irish potato famine was so bad, that very large percentage of the Irish population actually died, and the rest of the population was on the verge of starvation. Because of this, lots of people wanted to move out of the country in order to at least be able to have food on the table. This prompted a response from the United States, and they made an exception in their strict foreign policy because of the Irish people, so opened their borders to them in order to help them, thus letting them settle in the country.