because communism is the government controlling the people
One of the first hints we can find about gods in Nectar in a Sieve is found in Chapter 3, when Rukmani talks about the difficulties her and her partner, Nathan, have to conceive a child. In her visit to her mother, who is a very spiritual person, Rukmani criticizes the god's willingness to help human beings:
"My mother, whenever I paid her a visit, would make me accompany her to a temple, and together we would pray and pray before the deity, imploring for help until we were giddy. But the Gods have other things to do; they cannot attend to the pleas of every suppliant who dares to raise his cares to heaven. And so the years rolled by and still we had only one child, and that a daughter."
Another example of Rukmani's reference to gods, is found in her description of her youngest son's health condition, as well as her struggling to help him. This can be found in Chapter 16:
"I gazed at the small tired face, soothed by sleep as it had not been for many nights, and even as I puzzled about the change, profound gratitude flooded through me, and it seemed to me that the Gods were not remote, not unheedful, since they had heard his cries and stilled them as if by a miracle."
1. The author hasn't told us the real reason of why Laura died. She has told us about their housemaid, Reenie, but we do not know how that is connected to Laura's death. Also, the author says that Laura might have her "reasons", but doesn't even tell us indirectly what those reason might be...
2. Two possible answers
- Laura's notebooks are her childhood diaries/a record of a secret relationship/a novel
- Iris feels responsible for her sisters death/never loved her husband
Explanation for the 2nd one:
- The author remembers Reenie (maybe while reading one of Laura's diaries) and she also feels the need to tell Richard, her husband. But why does she feel the need to tell Richard? Maybe because Richard may have been in love with Laura, and because something went wrong (something didn't or couldn't work out) they have split up and Richard married Iris. Or maybe Iris felt some kind of anger towards Laura and that's why she married Richard (we don't quite know). And Laura may have been furious of Richard's or Iris' decision so much that she decided to kill herself (or did she? We don't know 'cause it's the first chapter). And that might be the reason Iris might have felt the need to inform Richard about Laura's death - because she thinks (or maybe knows feels) that Richard doesn't love her, he still loves Laura and that because they got married that, somehow may associate on the reason of Laura's death.
It continues using words with the letter W
Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound
The answer to 1 is imagery because the description helps us to better see the thrush through its use of adjectives.
The answer to 2 is sight, because we see gray rather than feel gray.
The answer for 3 is "is" because "dictionary" is a singular noun, not a plural noun. There is only one dictionary.
The answer to 4 is "was" because "tourist" is a singular noun, not a plural noun. There is only one tourist.
The answer to 5 is "was" because there is only one Statue of Liberty. It is a singular noun.
Remember, the general rule for singular/plural nouns is that plural nouns are usually attached with an "s" at the end. Although there are exceptions, it helps with most nouns.