I have 2 answers:
1. Como ellos no tenian tecnologia en esa epoca, ellos podian jugar con juegos de mesa. Tambien ellos podian ir a la escuela para aprender. (Since they didn't have sorts of technology, they could play with board games. Also tey can go to school to learn)
2. (If you are asking for a translation) ¿Qué hacía tu mamá o papá cuando él o ella tenía cinco años? = What did your mom or dad do when he or she was five years?
Hope this is helpful
19. Ella se cepilla
Ella se duerme
Ella se peina
20. Nosotros nos vestimos
Nosotros nos levantamos
Nosotros nos secamos
21. Tu te bañas
Tu te preparas
Tu te despiertas
22. Tu te sientas
23. Yo me cepillo
24. Ella no se maquilla
1. les dice (the seller would tell, not ask, the price; clientes is plural so you use les)
2. le escribe (you're writing to your mother in order to know if she wants a new purse)
3. te dan (it means do your friends give you many gifts on your birthday)
4. le vende (she's selling it to Cristina; she's only selling one)
5. le describen (they're describing the new mall; mall is the direct object so it's singular)
6.le paga (you pay with a credit card, not lend, and it's 'le' because it's usted)
hope I helped!
First part is just the 2nd word if there an s at the end remove it