Population growth in the land, especially in urban population was in part due to industrialization of the nation. The increasing factory businesses created many more job opportunities in cities and people began to flock from rural, farm areas to large urban locations. Minorities and immigrants added to these numbers.
In 1870, there only two American cities with a population of more than 500,000, but by 1900, there were six. Three of these namely Philadelphia, Chicago and New York had over 1 million inhabitants.
Doing so allowed him to use the third person form of expression. This form of expression involves narrating events or actions from the eye or viewpoint of another person (the third person).
For example, expressions such as 'they', 'she', 'them', etc are used.
This helps him to get his point across as his audience
Would it be Jim Crow Laws? The Court found nothing unconstitutional about what happened and nothing was truly done about the Segregation until Brown vs. Board of Education 1752-1754.
The spirits take Scrooge to see Christmases from different times in his life if he continued living the way he was.