B. Increased exposure to UV light increases the risk of mutation occurring.
The landscape in which limestone is eroded to form deep valleys and cavers are called Karst landscape or karst topography. This kind of development start occuring whenever the acidic water starts breaking down the bedrocks near the cracks. As the bedrock starts breaking down slowly, the cracks start to open up creating bigger holes. with passage of time the holes will become big enough to create an underground drainage system for the surface water to flow and form underneath. If the water is unable to flow out and becomes stagnant, then the Karst will start getting bigger.
Carbon atoms have four electrons in their outer shell. So, it exhibits tetravalency & thus, a single carbon atom can form a maximum of four (4) bonds with other atoms
To determine that electric beams in cathode ray tubes were actually made of particles
I hope this is correct, if it isn't then feel free to let me know and I will correct it. I'm sorry in advance if it is incorrect.