Properly identifying each species.
Accurately recording his findings.
Not interfering with ecosystem while studying the birds.
This is biomagnification, and it means that higher-level predators-fish, birds, and marine mammals-build up greater and more dangerous amounts of toxic materials than animals lower on the food chain. In this activity you will explore the biomaginification of toxic chemical, mercury, through a simple marine food chain.
The answer is young child.
Nasal regurgitation it's when the food regurgitates out of the nose.
This is more likely to occur in babies/ young children with some birth defects in the soft palate, or if they have a cleft lip. Those birth defects, usually, get fixed with surgery when they are still children, that's why is less frequent after that age.
D. Aids
Aids is one of the most deadliest diseases in the world. When you contract aids, it's designed to infect the cells that try to destroy it, it's a whole zombie apocalypse in your body and you don't even know it.
It attacks and weakens the immune system, and our immune system defends our bodies against infections, but HIV is extremely strong and it over powers the system, I'm not sure if there's an immune system strong enough to fight HIV or aids.
Patients are encouraged to drink clear liquids (for example, water) until 2 hours before the time they are scheduled to arrive to the hospital or surgery center. remember, staying hydrated is important. However, certain procedures may require specific instructions.
I hope this answers your question.