Los jóvenes no van a grandes hoteles. Van a <em><u>albergues juveniles.</u></em>
youth hostels -- because they provide cheap(er) accommodations
Question one is basically saying "what color is your dads car?" You would respond with
"El coche de mi padre es _"
What the questions are asking in order :
"what color is a Banana?"
"what color is the dog?"
What color is the flowers"
"What color is the apples?"
"what color are the shoes"
Alright so blue in Spanish is Azul
Purple = Movado
Grey = Gris
Pink = Rosado
Navy blue = azul marino
Red = Rojo
Black = Negro
Yellow = Amarillo
Orange = naranja
Violet = Violeta
Green = Verde
Turquoise = Turquesa
Golden = Dorado
Silver = Plata
Hope this helped -
The word that could replace the blank space is Nadie.
ella nunca hace su tarea.</em></u></h2>
because is into negative.
1- Expansión rápida
2- No requiere movilidad
3- No se necesita la pareja
4- Es favorable para el medio ambiente
1- Una extrema falta de diversidad
2- Incapacidad para adaptarse
3- Sobrepoblación
4- La mutación del ADN es la única posibilidad