as fearful, desperate, and ashamed of himself. Martin lives on a the 17th floor of an apartment building and is forced to ride the elevator back and forth every day. This is a problem because Martin is afraid of elevators. “Of course, he was always uncomfortable in elevators, afraid that they would fall.” This fear gets worse when a mysterious fat lady begins stalking him as he rides back and forth from school. He is desperate to avoid her, but can find no way to escape because she is always there waiting for him. He tries to go to his father for help, but his father is disappointed by his cowardice and doesn’t listen. “Not only are you skinny and weak and bad at sports, his expression seemed to say, but you are also a coward.” Martin is ashamed of himself, and doesn’t know what to do.
“He managed not to cry until he got to his room, but his father probably knew he was crying anyway. Throughout
When Charlie asks about Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, Grandpa Joe tells him lots of stories, including the one about Prince Pondicherry. He also tells Charlie about the spies, and those mysterious workers who never leave the factory.
He became sickened by the war: the murders, captivity and the futility of it all. He merely wanted to salvage something and was convinced that there was an innocent soul inside the burning hut. <u>The Captain shot Eddie in the leg to keep him from running further into the hut and burning to death.</u>