Exercise 3: Choose the best answer.
1. A coat made of wool is a ______.
A. Coated wool
B. coat wool
C. wooled coat
D. wool coat
2. Shoes made of leather are ______.
A. Shoe leather
B. leather shoes
C. shoes leather
D. leathers shoes.
3. This is the ranch of my ______
A. Bother-in-law
B. brother-in -law
C. brother’s-in-law
D. brother-in-law’s
4. ______ clothes are always diverse styles and colors.
A. Woman
B. woman’s
C. women’s
D. womens’
5. The cup used to make tea is called ______.
A. Tea-cup
B. tea of cup
C. teacup
D. tea’s cup
7. Horses used to compete in horse racing at annual festivals are ______.
A. Race-horse
B. race horses
C. racing horses
D. races horses
8. The person who does housework is ______.
A. Housewife
B. house-wife
C. wife-house
D. house’s wife
9. Our center has a lot of ______.
A. Exercise of book
B. exercise’s book’s
C. exercises-books
D. exercise-books