Means to: Repeat the precedig music.
It was the largest city during the Spanish Empire, the largest city in Hispania also during the last part of the Roman period. Seville had the monopoly in colonial trade during the Habsburg dynasty along with Cádiz, it was the headquarters of the Casa de Contratación which controlled Atlantic trade and the exploration of the Americas for centuries. Now the Casa de Contratación has become the archives of the Americas, the place where all the documents of the Spanish colonial empire are stored (maps, letters decrees, contacts…). All the history of the Spanish colonies is stored in the building of the former Casa de Contratación. Seville is also the place where Colombus’ remains are, his tomb is in Seville's Cathedral.
Right outside Seville in the town of Santiponce there are ruins from the Roman city of Italica. The amphitheatre of that town is where the Game of Thrones craddle of the dragons outside King's Landing is set. The place where Cersei meets with Daenerys or where they choose Bran as king. That town is also the birthplace and home of two Hispanic emperors, emperor Trajan and emperor Hadrian were born and grew up in that town.
Seville was one of the largest cities of the Muslim period as well and it has plenty of Moorish architecture like the Giralda Tower or the Gold Tower (where the gold in the city was stored), or the Alcázar (Seville's Moorish palace that was expanded by Castile during the Renaissance). The Alcázar of Seville is actually also another Game of Thrones setting, it is the setting of the Water Gardens of Dorne.
The dressing is traditional too, boys wear that charcateristic Spanish hat and suit and girls wear the same type of colourful spotted dresses with the peineta or flower in the hair, some go in carriages or horses. A friend of mine from Málaga goes every year to Seville for the fair
The Exposure Triangle comprises aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. These three camera and lens controls work together to regulate the amount of light that makes it to the light-sensitive surface (aperture and shutter speed) and the sensitivity of that surface (film or digital ISO).
ISO refers to the sensitivity—the signal gain—of the camera's sensor.
In photography, shutter speed or exposure time is the length of time when the film or digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light, also when a camera's shutter is open when taking a photograph. ... 1⁄500 of a second will let half as much light in as 1⁄250.
Shutter Speed: 1/8 sec (blurring motion – creative) It's showing him blurred, jumping, and there is a little bit of sharpness in his body, but it's a pretty slow shutter speed.
In a situation, a good rule-of-thumb to try is f/2.8. This gives you an in-focus area that extends all the way to the nose, mouth and eye that is further away from the camera, which should be enough to capture facial expressions in sharper detail.
A landscape image captured at f/16 to bring everything from foreground to background into focus.
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Assuming That this could be anything not related to Brian Owens since its "your situation" Heres an example that you could put:
People tend to get angry. Racial profiling is esspicaly something people tend to get angry about. Now what about music? Is that something people get angry about? Well simple answer, no. They don't, infact we all seem to feel the exact opposite. We even have a playlist on spotify for being angry. So, I know what your asking me right now. "Where are you going with this?" And all I havr to say is what if we combined two things that soothed someone and made someone angry. What would happen? Well, it would get them to understand. To not just be clouded by emotions and anger, but to be clear in thought in a concert surrounded by the ones you love and many strangers; And realize a true cause thats going on with racial profiling and not be to proud or to infuriated because of the music thats playing on. So lets get our jam on!
You dont have to use racial profiling thats just an example. You can use something completely diffrent and even a closer aspect to Brian Owens. Hope this Helps!!