A. The Olmecs
The Olmec civilization was the first major civilization of the Mesoamerican region (1200-400 BCE). It had a full fledged religion with a large pantheon of Gods, an elaborate priesthood and well developed rituals. The civilizations that came later - the Aztecs, the Maya and the Incas were heavily influenced by the Olmec religion. This influence is evident in the shape of gods and the various rituals of the later civilizations.
The Democratic Party was the party of slavery, and is the party of unequal treatment based on race, rather than equal opportunity based on merit.
Andrew Jackson was related to the Democratic Party, as it was widely known with it's history of impeding on people's rights based on skin-color or national origin. He also was the embodiment of many of the beliefs of the Democratic Party. Firstly, he embraced the usage of slavery, and was a ardent holder of slaves. The Democratic Party had always worked for keeping the institution of slavery as a means of not only workforce and profit, but also as a way to degrade "non-whites" into being second-class humans, (also commonly known as sub-humans). Piggy-backing off of the issue of slavery, Jackson also campaigned against many of the Native American tribes that were located to the west of the then-US, starting wars and taking lands from the defeated Native American tribes. Again, the Native American tribes were classified as sub-humans, and did not receive any benefits that would generally be implied to a white-US citizen.
This led to the unpopularity of Jackson within the Whig-Republican circles, and he was succeeded by Martin van Buren.
D. They created a culture with both English and African traditions,
Steel. Andrew Carnegie used it to mass produce steel cheaply and efficiency.
A person who supports or believes in the principals of communism