The Colonists were Murdered
"In 1607, Captain John Smith tried to uncover what happened at Roanoke. He claimed that Chief Powhatan told him that he killed the people of the colony to retaliate against them for living with another tribe that refused to ally with him. Allegedly, Powhatan showed Smith items he took from Roanoke to support his story, including a musket barrel and a brass mortar and pestle. By 1609, this story reached England, and King James and the Royal Council blamed Powhatan for the missing colonists.
William Strachey seemed to back up the story, confirming the slaughter with his investigation in his work The Historie of Travaile Into Virginia Britannia. Powhatan claimed that he ordered the killings because there was a prophecy that he would be conquered and overthrown by people from that area. Contemporary historians and anthropologists dispute this story because there were never any bodies or archaeological evidence found to support the claim, but it has persisted for more than four hundred years.
Recently, author and researcher Brandon Fullam has reexamined Smith and Strachey’s sources and has suggested that the Powhatan massacre could have been the 15 settlers left behind from the second expedition, still leaving the mystery of Roanoke unsolved."
-History Collection
The Constitutional Convention was called because the federal government established by the Articles of Confederation was considered to be too weak to effectively deal with the young nation's issues. Officially, the purpose of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation. Many feel that this was a drastic understatement, and that the real goal of many of its key proponents was to replace the Articles of Confederation and create a strong federal government.
D) the movement in Europe that resulted in the division of Christianity into Catholic and Protestant
The Protestant Reformation started with the teachings of Martin Luther, and spread from Germany to other areas in Northern and Western Europe.
It spread to Switzerland as calvinism, to Scandinavia as Lutheranism, and to England as anglicanism, where it was made the official religion by Henry VIII.
In subsistence farming, planting decisions are made based on a family's needs, whereas in cash-crop farming, farmers plant strategically to capitalize on demand and market prices. While some farmers grow crops for the sole purpose of feeding their families, others engage in both cash crop and subsistence farming