Spread of communism (The Domino Theory) and its support from China and Russia.
Before the Vietnam war, the United States was very much concern about the spread of Communism in Asia, as they gave it a term of Domino theory. The theory asserted the situation of letting a communist nation to takeovers other neighbouring states and converting it under communism. The U.S. involvement in Vietnam began in 1954, though ongoing conflict in the region of North and South.
Russia assisted China in spreading communism in Asia which also became one of the reasons for the United States to refuse to withdraw from the Vietnam conflict.
The characterizing occasions of 1968 were the Tet Offensive, the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and the police revolt at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The occasions represented that the nation was turning towards liberal Dems, yet that the traditionalist GOP would not leave effortlessly.
Roosevelt<span> broadcast his ... To </span>change the economy in 1937<span>, </span>President Roosevelt<span>. cut funds for relief projects .... Women who remained at home contributed to the American War </span>effort<span> by. planting Victory ...</span>
Thomas Jefferson as he argued that all men are created equal
The North had excellent ports. This made it easier to ship products and to trade. Thus, the North was more suited for manufacturing. It made more sense for the North to have industries and for the South to farm.