<span> Unrequited love was the answer to Hamlets antic disposition and insane mind. When Hamlet felt rejection, he turned to the depths of his mind to justify his emotion. He admits that he did love Ophelia once but, then goes to deny his love ever existed when Ophelia says she believed he loved her. You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not. As many men would do in present time, Hamlet did as well. He was upset over the rejection he felt and denied any feeling towards Ophelia. The built up madness and hurt inside Hamlet turned into rage and insanity. He dwelled on his feelings of hurt inside his mind and let them build up to a hurricane of emotions. (im not sure just have a look)</span>
Which elements of chivalry does Sir Gawain exhibit in the passage? Check all that apply.
Because I am powerful, personable, and upbeat. My zest for life is contagious, and my friends and family admire it– even if it can be a little stubborn at times.
"A Call for Unity
<u>“A Call for Unity” was an open letter composed by the white clergymen. It was published in Birmingham, Alabama after the arrest of King and other people who urged for civil rights by actions of civil disobedience. </u>
<u>In the letter, the men stated that they are agreeing with the need for equality, but not in the way in which King tried to gain it. </u>They deemed him as the outsider and urged people to try to legally solve problems, and not by protests and disobedience.
King referred to these men at the beginning of the famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail”. He noted that he sees they have the right ideas, but that there is a good reason for his actions, and proceeds to explain them, as well as the problem.