Hablar - hablando (talking)
Estudiar - estudiando (studying)
Correr - corriendo (running)
Comer - comiendo (eating)
Ensenar - ensenando (teaching)
Cantar - cantando (singing)
Bailar - bailando (dancing)
Preparar - preparando (preparing)
Jugar - jugando (playing)
Comprar - comprando (buying)
Escribir - escribiendo (writing)
Vivir - viviendo (living)
Mirar - mirando (looking)
Hacer - haciendo (doing)
Llegar - llegando (arriving)
Yo __tengo__ quince años.
<u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>
1. Quito is one of the highest capital cities in the world. a. True.
2. The policewoman works from very early in the morning. a. True.
3. Don Alfredo's hairdresser is located on Garcia Moreno Street, below the Central Market in downtown Quito. a. True.
4. Don Alfredo's profession is a family tradition. a. True.
5. Klein Tours is a travel agency specializing only in excursions to the Galapagos Islands. a. Certain.
6. The main work areas of Klein Tours are sales, operations, marketing and the administrative area. a.Certain.
1) Sergio, Tomas y yo vamos a casa de Pablo el viernes./ Tomas va a la casa de Pablo el viernes.
2) Los estudiantes van a la librería a compar unos cuadernos.
Explanation:1) Te agregue dos posibilidades, lo que cambia es el plural del verbo( que pasada de plural a singular).
Add two possibilities, what changes is the plural of the verb (which goes from plural to singular).
2) En esta oracion reemplazamos ustedes por estudiantes, el verbo queda igual.
In this sentence you replace students, the verb remains the same.
I hope I have helped you.
Your instructions are vague, unclear, and too general.
There are some possible articles: los, unos (algunos, ningunos)
There are <em><u>thousands</u></em> of possible adjectives: mayores, intelligentes, dormidos, ricos .....