It shuts down production and it makes people feel like they are going against the union when they cross the picket line. Like, Earnings will stop, union members who strike for long periods of time will loose benefits morale is more likely to deteriorate, communication from company's will usually stop.
He tried to - in order to deal with the crippling debts of the French state (mostly incurred by various wars - most recently the French help to the American War of Independence), but he decided that he did not have the authority to impose new taxes. He turned first to an assembly of nobles (it is not true that French nobles paid no taxes - but they were free of some of the more important taxes) and then called an “Estates General” (the first for more than a century) in the hopes that the nobles and church would agree to contribute more money. But the whole thing got horribly out of hand (partly because Louis XVI was a very weak man - but also because he went into mourning for a dead son at a key time politically) and the French Revolution was the result.
James Meredith was an African American civil right activist who in 1962 decided to take the bull its horn by taking a bold step to exercise his constitutional and civil right to education by applying to the University of Mississippi at a time when segregation was the order of the day, and blacks where not allowed to attend the same school with the whites. He was inspired by the inaugural speech of President John F. Kennedy. He became the first African American to be admitted into the segregated University of Mississippi. The significance of his action lies in the facts that it gave a voice to other African Americans to exercise their constitutional rights, and it was also part of what triggered the movement that brought an end to segregation in America. His action was a flash point in the history of civil right movement in America.
Both were veterans of the War of 1812. Both led US troops in Mexico. Both ran for president of the United States as members of the Whig Party. Both were elected president. Both lost key battles during the war against Mexico.