The answer is false. In behavioral treatment, the therapist still needs to conduct these additional tasks to provide treatment.
Behavioral therapy or behavioral treatment is a therapy that is derived from the behaviorism technique. Behaviorism believes that human behavior is deeply influenced by the environment. The person who practices behavior therapy is called the behaviorist. In other words, a behaviorist can also be called a behavior analyst.
A person who believes in behaviorism look for a treatment that is measurable. They believe in the importance of objectivity in research. Behavior therapy does not only use one specific topic, but it has a lot of techniques to treat the psychological problem of a person.
Behavioral therapy sees problems in how people’s personality was developed. Behavior therapy is typically a therapy that is based on classical conditioning and operant conditioning principle. The classical conditioning principle is developed by Ivan Pavlov, meanwhile, the operant conditioning is developed by B.F. Skinner.
Classical conditioning will happen when there is a neutral stimulus that comes before a stimulus that can trigger a response. For example, when the food comes, the bell rings beforehand. This is an example of classical conditioning. Meanwhile, operant conditioning is a theory that believes in rewards and punishment. Rewards can strengthen behaviors, and punishment can weaken a behavior. Both of the operant conditioning and classical conditioning are the main principles in behaviorism. It is also used in behavioral therapy and behavioral treatment.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
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Positive reinforcement:
KEYWORD: behavioral, therapy, treatment, behavioral studies, behavioral study, behavioral therapy, classical conditioning, behavioral treatment, behaviorism
Subject: Social Studies
Class: College
Subchapter: Behavioral therapy