When writing an essay you first want to start off by choosing your topic.
Secondly, you should brainstorm on a piece of paper so you have your ideas together and organized.
Then you should begin by writing your thesis statement and main ideas in the first paragraph.
After that you should have at least 2-3 body paragraphs explaining each main idea topic you wrote in the previous paragraph.
Finally you should end with your conclusion paragraph, briefly summarizing everything you talked about in your essay.
* As always look over it a few times and make any adjustments *
Well one reason why they struggled was because the priest had higher authority than the king himself did but I don't really know why or how it lead to the crusades in the holy land. I'm sorry I couldn't help you fully but I tried.
It probably means that she was sinned because she ate the forbidden fruit, that u wasn’t supposedly to touch or eat.
For example, indirect characterization describing a protagonist might read, “John snapped at the man without warning,” whereas direct characterization would say simply, “John was short-tempered.”