the Chinese workers were content/happy performing the jobs few white men wanted
At that time, there are no regulations made by the government to ensure the safety of railway workers.
The Railway companies at that time, require some of the workers to dig deep into the tunnel and strengthen the foundation of their rails. This jobs is extremely exhausting and dangerous . Very few white workers wanted to do it.
This is why this type of jobs usually given to the Chinese workers.
Chinese workers at that time received constant abuse and discrimination from the white workers. But as long as they are willing to do the dangerous/tedious jobs, they're usually got ignored.
Zhou dynasty came into power in China after defeating the Shang Dynasty in 1050 BCE.
Zhou Dynasty came into power after winning the Battle of Muye. Zhou Dynasty rules China through the idea of the Mandate of Heaven.
Zhou Dynasty would keep customs and traditions from the Shang Dynasty to show the continuity of the old things to gain trust and maintain peace in the kingdom.
If Zhou Dynasty introduces new customs and rituals, there would have been rebels in small regions encouraged and stimulated by other lords for their interests that would lead toward independence of the empire.
To bring stability, without any conflict with old and new customs and traditions, the Zhou thought to keep it by following by previous predecessors.
The arts of the Zhou were a repetition of those of the Shang dynasty. Bronze craftsmanship widely seen in various shapes, and decoration in ornaments, jars, etc.
Adirondack mountains, Niagra falls (which is shared with Canada), and the Adirondack Forest Preserve are only a few landforms.
The legacy of the war would include the spread of communism from the Soviet Union into eastern Europe as well as its eventual triumph in China, and the global shift in power from Europe to two rival superpowers–the United States and the Soviet Union–that would soon face off against each other in the Cold War.
It was considered sinful to follow Niccolo Machiavelli's advice because it suggested in his book The Prince that future leaders should rule with reason and make choices based on ideas of humanism over religious beliefs. Unfortunately this was still fairly dangerous territory for men to speak of in his time, seeing as the Medici (a wealthy family who ruled through the church) was still in power. Machiavelli suggested that the qualities of a leader were of a kind sort but, when needed, could be the exact opposite. He was the one to propose many of the ideas on politics and philosophy that numerous world leaders use today. Therefore, although his ideals were very realistic, is seemed to cause a wave of trouble within the church. This is why it was considered sinful to follow Machiavelli's advice.